USER'S NOTE: Throughout this site you will find links to other sites. When you click on the link it will open in a NEW window. That new window may cover this one, but they are both open, so you can switch back and forth. There are a couple map sites you may wish to keep open though. Just minimize them, and pop 'em up again when you need them. | GEOGRAPHIC NOTE: When you look at the map , note that I-90 in this area makes a jog between Rapid City and Spearfish. It runs almost due north from Rapid City to Sturgis, then more north that west from Sturgis to Spearfish. That can be confusing to people who carry a mental picture in their head of I-90 just running east and west (as it mostly does), and wind up getting them lost. |
There are folks out there headed to Sturgis who have never been there, and others who have but don't know that the world doesn't stop at Spearfish. This section is for to those who would explore beyond. It's a suggested route that will run you around the Sturgis area for a day, then through God's country, over in central and western Wyoming for five more. It also has a few tips to help those who've never been in the far west, especially the high, wild, lonesome country. |
![]() Click here for one of the rally info sites.
A Day Around Sturgis
Another 15% are selling tattoos, and if you don't know what you want for a tattoo, browsing through the same 10 flash books in 32 different locations is not the way to find out. If you're gonna get one, make up your mind ahead of time what you want, take a picture with you, and let some inkslinger create a custom flash. It'll cost a little more, and you'll have to wait overnight, but then you won't see your tattoo on 227 other people, some of them women who could whip your ass anyway, and might resent seeing THEIR tattoo on you! One of the parts I do like, though, is all the motorcycle vendor areas around and in the Civic Center on Lazelle Street - you'll find lots of good scooter stuff and related items there. If you are looking for leather, I've got a recommendation. The stuff is industrial-strength, heavy duty, well-tanned, well stitched, and made by a scooter tramp who ain't into fashion over function. He makes saddlebags, tool rolls, chaps, and a couple other items. The chaps, for instance, will nearly stand up by themselves when new, but a few dozen hours on your scooter and they break in soft and supple as a good work glove. Far as I remember, he doesn't make jackets. I can't recall his name, but the outfit is LongRider Leathers. He operates out of a little canvas cubicle, usually right by the sidewalk, somewhere on the north side of Main Street between Third and Fourth. If you want stuff that will last a lifetime, he makes it. Devote a day to riding the local area - it is terrific, and don't try to cram it into the same day you spend in town, won't work. You oughta spend an evening downtown though. It's pretty interesting, and that can certainly follow a day on the road. You could easily spend two or three interesting days riding in the general area, but since this section is partly devoted to going to Wyoming, I'm only gonna show a one-day Sturgis-area trip here. |
A good day's ride there looks something like this - it'll be couple hundred miles or more on interesting two-lane roads, crowded with bikes by the literal tens of thousands. Do not figure on going fast (except maybe on the Interstate, but the cops do work speed there), it's just too damn dangerous. Those mountain roads are twisty, with lots of blind curves, and a good rule of thumb is never go around a curve, or over a hill faster than you are willing to fall down or run into something. We'll start in Rapid City, 'cause it's an easy place to get to. The route makes sense even if you are camped in Sturgis or somewhere. If you are in Spearfish or Belle Fourche and don't want to start in Rapid City, just run it in reverse.
Start with a visit to
To get there, head south out of Rapid City on South Dakota hwy79, then turn west on SD36, then cut up to the Mt. Rushmore area on SD40; there are lots of signs pointing which way. You'll come into the monument on a dedicated through road that comes in one side of the park and goes right on out the other side, running east and west. Stop at the viewpoint or visitor's center, then just keep right on going the direction you were. Follow it right on through the monument for a few miles until you come to SD244; turn right on 244 and keep going until you get to US385. You'll pass a couple turns to the left on the way; skip 'em unless you just feel like wandering around. They aren't bad roads, they just lead you off this route and will run you out of time headed south. |
Once you get to U.S. 385, make a right and follow it clear up to Lead (pronounced "Leed" up there). There'll be lots of spots to stop for lunch or a beer along the way if you're in the mood. However, if you want to see where Wild Bill Hickok was shot to death, or his grave, keep going on up to Lead, then catch a right down to Deadwood for lunch.
At Spearfish, gas up, then ride I-90 westbound to Sundance, WY. You'll be out of the mountains, in the high, rolling plains then. At Sundance you'll catch U.S. 14 again, heading north. After 20 or 25 miles you'll come to Wyoming 24, which is a right turn to the north, leading to
Hulett, Wyoming - My Favorite Place at "Sturgis"
That is, except on No Panty Wednesday. That day I swear everybody who's in the area comes there, probably 10,000 bikes or more by noon. The town, responding to biker complaints about Sturgis and its crowds, decided to start their own mini-rally during bike week, and it's worth a visit. (They even have a website for it
There is one gas station there, on the west side of town as you come in on this route. It backs up badly, so I'd make sure I got gas long before I got there. When you leave Hulett, pick up Wyoming 24 east into Belle Fourche, SD, It's about 45 miles, with gas available at Alladin, about halfway. In Belle Fourche you can take a right, and go back to Spearfish, or look at your map again and pick a route back to Sturgis, or Rapid City, or wherever, but the options are kinda limited. Or if you feel adventurous, and have had enough of the Sturgis crowds, you can set out on the Wyoming route I show on this site, spending the night in Gillette or Buffalo, Wyoming after you leave Hulett. |
TIP: Evenings in the area are usually warm, but if you're out late you'll want your jacket, and you might even want it up in the hills during the day. A jacket is certainly not uncomfortable up there most times, and it is good protection in a falldown. And, if you are gonna head over to the Wyoming high country later in the week, you WILL want your jacket. And chaps. And a sweatshirt. If you are from hot country, and don't want to haul all that stuff on the way to Sturgis, send 'em on ahead by UPS or US Mail (not parcel post rate, though; too slow that way) about a week ahead of time. If you're staying in a motel, call ahead and tell 'em to expect the delivery a day or so ahead of your arrival. If you're camping, send 'em UPS "will call", or USPO general delivery. Do NOT send them to Sturgis, or maybe even not Spearfish though; UPS and USPO are zoos there. Pick a nearby town on the way, like Gillette or Newcastle, WY or Rapid City and pick 'em up at the last minute. |
Click here for the five-day Wyoming trip. |
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Or here for main selections page. |